Vaginal yeast infection is not only a very uncomfortable condition
but it can also disturb your personal life. Due to the discomfort
brought by this infection, sufferers are constantly looking for the best
remedy to end their sufferings. While there are different drugs
available for yeast infection treatment, you also have the option to use home treatment for vaginal yeast infection to avoid the harsh side effects of drugs.
Yeast is a fungus commonly present in the moist areas of the body
like the mouth and vagina. When the fungus begins to multiply or the
growth gets out of hand, yeast infection occurs. Candida albicans is the
fungus responsible for yeast infection.
Some of the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are cottage
cheese-like vaginal discharge, urinary disorder, menstrual pains, joint
pains or swelling, itchiness around the vaginal area and chronic rashes.
It is best to consult your doctor regarding your yeast infection. Home
treatment for vaginal yeast infection is also an option for you. Here
are treatments you can do at home.
Home treatment for vaginal yeast infection starts with proper hygiene
and wearing proper clothing. Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight
fitting pants to avoid irritation. Tight fitting clothes and clothing
material made of nylon promotes build up of heat and moisture, an
environment that increases the possibility of yeast infection. Yeast
infection thrives on moist and warm environment.
Keep the vaginal area
clean and dry. Give it a relief and ventilation by sleeping without
Eat a well balanced diet and get enough sleep. People with low immune
system are vulnerable to infections. A good home treatment for vaginal
yeast infection is to boost your immune system through proper diet and
complete sleep. A daily supplement can also help you boost your immune
system and stay healthy.
Avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol which can affect the pH balance of
the vagina making you prone to infections. Eat yogurt, the live cultures
of lactobacillus acidophilus helps eliminate yeast infection. Keep
yourself hydrated by drinking eight glasses of water daily.
Douche with vinegar. A tablespoon of vinegar diluted in a quart of
water is another home treatment for vaginal yeast infection. Vinegar has
about the same acidity as the vagina that helps correct vaginal pH
balance which is helpful in stopping and preventing yeast infections.
Home treatment for vaginal yeast infection, is an option for you but
of course it is also important to get help from experts in dealing with
your yeast infection. Did you know that yeast infection can be
cured naturally without the harsh side effects of drugs? Discover a
quick relief for yeast infection, visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure