There are usually tell tale signs to know if a guy is attracted to you and trying to get near you to have the chance to ask you out. These signs will help you know if a guy is into you or not:
He talks about you through mutual friends. You will get news from mutual friends that he is asking things about you and want to know more about you. This gesture might be intentional in his part to let you know that he is interested and want to go out with you.
His body language. One of the signs to know if a guy is attracted to you is through his body language. Does he always want to establish eye contact or looks at you as if you are the only person in the room or in the crowd? Does he always find a way to be near you, lean to you or be seated next to you? To know if a guy is attracted to you, pay attention to his gestures or body language.
He appears out of nowhere. Did you notice that he appears unexpectedly on the same place and on the same time where you are alone or having time for yourself? Did you bumped on him more than once on the place that you don’t expect him? These are signs that he is asking around about your whereabouts and trying to catch you alone and looking for a chance to talk to you and know you more. You will know if a guy is attracted to you if you noticed that he appears out of nowhere more than once.
He is all ears to you. When he has the chance to talk to you, he is all ears to you. You will know if a guy is attracted to you if he listens attentively and remembers every word you said. He is very interested and even asks you more about yourself, your likes, dislikes and other personal questions.
He tries to impress you. He acts differently from other guys who are just plain friends. You will know if a guy is attracted to you if he tries to impress you and shower you with gifts. He brags about his hobbies, work, wealth, skills, etc. He is doing all of these things to impress you and win your heart.
There are always signs to know if a guy is attracted to you but if he is not attracted to you, do not feel bad because attraction is an art and a skill that anyone can learn. There are techniques and strategies in attracting the right kind of man. To find out how visit Make Him Desire You