Show your pearly white smile. Unfriendly facial expression makes men think twice whether to approach you or not. If you always wear a serious face, men will find you intimidating. If you always wear a long face, you will look pissed off and you will scare men away. Why don’t you ease up a little bit and smile? Women who smile and laugh a lot look approachable to guys. If you are a person who rarely smile, now is the time to make it a habit to smile. A smile is a universal language of friendliness. You do not know what your smile could do to other people. To a stranger, your smile could brighten up a bad day. To a guy who want to approach you, your smile means you are available and you are giving him the permission to approach you. So show those pearly white smiles and you will look approachable to guys and to other people around you.
Let your eyes do the trick. As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to your soul and so they are also the windows to other people’s soul. The eyes can convey non-verbal messages so let your eyes do the talking. Send the right signals through your eyes. Most men use eye contact to get the permission to approach you. If a man is trying to lock eye contact with you but you immediately look away, men would think that you are not acknowledging him and he is not welcome to approach you. If you caught a guy gazing at you, hold his gaze for a few seconds before looking away. Chances are, the next time you look you’ll be surprised to see him walking towards you to approach you. If you want to look approachable to guys, use your eyes to communicate with them.
Start a conversation. There is nothing wrong in opening a conversation, there is no rule stating that men should be the one to initiate the conversation. If you want to look approachable to guys be ready to start a conversation. Or if someone starts a conversation, be responsive to get the conversation going. Avoid crossing your arms while in a conversation because your body language matters if you want to invite people (including men) closer to you. Gestures like tapping your legs or playing with a pen while in a conversation could be interpreted as boredom so avoid them. Be open-minded and be curious or interested about the people around you. Ask questions, be receptive and look him in the eye during the conversation. Men are amazed with women who can start and carry a great conversation.
Avoid using your phone too much in a social function. Your hand phone is a great tool to connect with people who are not physically with you but it can be a hindrance in connecting with people who are actually physically around you. If you are too busy attending to your phone while in a social function, you’ll lose that opportunity to be approached by men who could be “the one” for you. To look approachable to guys, you must be accessible and not preoccupied with other things.
Avoid being surrounded by your friends. Men find it hard to approach women who are surrounded by their friends for the fear of being rejected and humiliated in front of other people. If you usually go out with a bunch of friends, find a way to occasionally be alone to give men the opportunity to approach you. You look approachable to guys if you are not always with a group of people.
Enjoy yourself in social functions. One of the best ways to look approachable to guys is to actually enjoy yourself in social gatherings. If you are naturally a cheerful person and having fun with your friends and the people around you, guys would want to be around you too. Men admire women who are sometimes carefree, do not always worry about their make-up and loosen up a bit to have some fun.
Giving men the opportunity to approach you is the first step in achieving success with men. Once you get noticed, you now have the opportunity to attract and captivate him. To attract men like magnet visit Become a Guy Magnet