At the beginning of every romantic relationship, couples are usually
full of romance and the relationship seems like a bed of roses. As time
goes by and couples become more familiar and more comfortable with each
other, everything becomes a routine and romance may take a backseat or
may fade. If this is happening to your relationship, you have to do
something to bring back romance in your relationship. Romance is an
important part of a relationship. A relationship without romance is
lifeless and a lifeless relationship could lead to separation or break
So how to bring back romance in your relationship?
Break the routine. Couples in a long-term relationship like marriage
could fall into the trap of having a routine life. If your relationship
becomes more of a routine then break the routine to make the
relationship exciting again. Fading romance in a relationship does not
automatically mean that you are falling out of love but it may also mean
that you need to reconnect to bring the passion back in your
relationship. To bring back romance in your relationship, you and your
spouse need a break and get away for a while to reconnect and renew the
passion you once shared. Plan a get-away vacation or do the things that
you both used to do when you first fell in-love. Spending alone time
with each other and bringing back old romantic memories can be very
helpful to reconnect with each other.
Take turns in taking care of the household. For women it could be
really tiring to be tied up all day at home to take care of the kids and
the household. Would it be really romantic to give your wife a day-off
and take charge of the household for a while? Give your wife the
pleasure of spending a day for herself alone or with her girlfriends.
She will appreciate and love you more because of your concern for her
well-being as a person. Wives should also understand that their husbands
may also need to spend time alone with themselves or their male friends
or spend time for their hobbies. It can be hard to be romantic if you
are exhausted with the daily responsibilities of married life. Being
more understanding of your spouses’ personal space and needs could be
very helpful to bring back romance in your relationship.
Set a regular date night. It is sad that when couples get married,
they suddenly stopped dating. Married couples should continue dating to
keep the romance alive in their relationship. Arrange to have a trusted
nanny for your kids once a week to spend time alone with your spouse.
Watch a movie, have a dinner date, check-in a hotel or simply go out for
a walk in a park to spend quality time with each other.
Celebrate special occasions in your relationship. Anniversaries or
the day you first met should not be forgotten no matter how long you’ve
been together. It is important to acknowledge and celebrate special
occasions to keep the romance alive in your relationship.
Appreciate your spouse more. People nowadays are too busy and there
are many things that could distract them or get their attention that
they tend to ignore the people who are always with them every waking
hours; their spouses. To bring back romance in your relationship, you
have to be more appreciative of your spouse. Small gestures of love is
also important to keep the passion in your marriage. Being romantic does
not only mean showing your affection in a grand or impressive way, even
small gestures of love can be very romantic. Appreciate your wife’s
efforts to cook for you and look good for you. Appreciate your wife’s
new hairstyle and wardrobe. Appreciate your husband’s effort to help
with the house work. Small things should not be taken for granted and
should be appreciated to make your spouse feel loved and to keep the
romance alive in your marriage.
It is true that romance in a marriage could fade at some point but it
does not mean the marriage is doomed. Romance in a marriage can be
restored. To know more visit Your Marriage Savior System